Magento 2 Discussion
Written by ITORIS Team, 2018-05-04

Magento 2 Content Management System allows store owners to create new pages, static blocks and widgets. These 3 elements may be used for adding a brand new web page to display your company’s product portfolio with all kinds of useful information.
Setting CMS blocks in Magento 2 is not a complicated process. They can be created via a Magento Admin panel and be displayed on a particular page or even a group of pages. The content of that block may be established with the help of the Content editor, allowing you to set a proper formatting, insert necessary links, tables, images, videos, and audio files.
Written by ITORIS Team, 2018-05-03
How can the "ease-of-navigation" process help to attract more customers? Is navigation important for online stores? The out-of-box Magento 2 navigation allows customers to choose products by selecting one value per attribute. What if users are searching for sneakers that have different prices and colors? It can take time by filtering products one by one. It's important when customers can find specific products at a short period of time, without delays.
Magento 2 Discussion
Written by ITORIS Team, 2018-05-02

Configuring multiple stores within a single domain is one of the essential functions of the Magento 2 platform. It gives store admins an opportunity to create multiple virtual stores within a single configuration. The websites may be run either on single or multiple domains and be controlled from a single backend system.
Magento 2 Discussion
Written by ITORIS Team, 2018-04-30

Configuring currencies in Magento 2 allows store owners to determine the type of currency their customers will be allowed to use. Once the setup is complete, the product pages and all the supporting documentation will be accompanied by the necessary currency symbols.
By taking an advantage of Magento 2 platform, website admins will be able to choose among the 20 most popular currencies of the world.
Magento 2 Discussion
Written by ITORIS Team, 2018-04-26

This tutorial will give you an idea about how to enable CAPTCHAs for an online store in Magento 2. The main purpose of using a CAPTCHA is to prevent both spam bots and spammers from accessing the protected Front and Backend sections of your site.
If you are a site administrator who wants to protect a web resource with the use of a CAPTCHA, set this element up by going through the following steps:
Magento 2 Extensions
Written by ITORIS Team, 2018-04-24

The modern technologies provide the full and fast access to different services and products from all over the world. Mobile banking and online stores simplify our life by protecting customer data, speeding up operations, studying customers' needs and offering the best services. Generally, online stores are constantly adding some features which can help improve the website performance and customer service. Longer delivery time can cool off the excitement of the purchase. Or the constant navigation to each product page for detailed information may be inconvenient and turn your customers away.
By default Magento 2 doesn't support the quick view functionality which can help users browse products without opening the product page itself. Adding the preview links will allow to display data within the popup on category pages directly. The Quick View extension for Magento 2 allows to preview product information on catalog and other pages. You can also modify the popup by removing or adding elements as well as creating the custom preview button.
Magento 2 Discussion
Written by ITORIS Team, 2018-04-23

The last 20 years have seen a rapid increase in the development of e-commerce industry. Many companies are trying to go online in the hope of selling more of their own products over the Internet. Their digital businesses have grown from the small shops with just a few products to choose from up to a large online super store where it’s possible to find almost everything you might think of.
These dramatic changes have on the one hand brought a new source of revenue for the business owners. But with such a rapid growth of their operations, both off and online, the need for an effective management of their product catalog has become ever more important. The default settings of the online store in Magento 2 limit site admins to adding new products or changing the attributes of the items which are already there. This may be enough for a small Magento store selling just a few products. But what about the ones which sell over 100 items online, each with its own category and some unique attributes?
Magento 2 Discussion
Written by ITORIS Team, 2018-04-20

Many of us have a variety of tasks we do during our normal day. Using public transport to make our way to work, talking to the friends on the phone, doing the daily shopping and so on. For each of these activities, we need some sort of a personal ID: bank account, telephone number or credit card credentials.
With the recent advancement of IT technology, it only takes a couple of minutes to start using one of the above-mentioned services. By going through a typical registration process in Magento 2, a user may create his or her virtual account in a matter of minutes. This is a simple and quick solution for accomplishing a variety of tasks with just a few clicks of the mouse. But with it comes a downside. Nowadays, many individuals can easily create a spam account and use it for their illegal purposes. As the result of that, people true identify is often scattered across the Web.
Written by ITORIS Team, 2018-04-19
How to stimulate users to get products in your store? And how can you thrive on low price models? Customers can visit your website knowing that they can purchase products at the lowest prices. Your users may spend many hours looking for the same product at lower prices. Now you can reward your customers and guests by suggesting reducing prices for the same products or sending one-time coupons.
The Price Match extension for Magento 2 allows users to ask admin to reduce prices for the same products available on your competitors' websites. You can enable the special form on each product page where users can leave their data, requested prices, matching prices and comments if necessary. After customers submit the form, admin can approve the request by lowering the original price to the requested one or provide a coupon, or reject the request.
Magento 2 Discussion
Written by ITORIS Team, 2018-04-18

For many companies, introducing their business to the clients online is a very important step. After all, the majority of the modern company owners would love to gain new sales in times when their business hours are over or use their presence on the Internet as one of their competitive advantages. But if your company is willing to achieve its maximum targets, just being present on the Internet isn’t enough. Businesses must also spend both time and effort properly managing their presence online.
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