Written by ITORIS Team, 2017-10-03

Magento is an open, extensible eCommerce platform which fits any business need. However, by default Magento 2 allows you to add a limited set of options to products. Custom options play a key role as your customers can configure products based on their preferences. The Custom Options extensions for Magento 2 expand this functionality and help you add advanced options in a few steps.
We have filtered through a number of vendors and highlighted the best Magento 2 Custom Options extensions available on the Magento Marketplace. Here is a quick tour of the best Magento 2 extensions.
Magento 2 Extensions
Written by ITORIS Team, 2017-09-28

When the hot season is coming it is time to think over how to improve your customers’ activity and sales. How to stimulate customers to log in and purchase products on sales? What benefits are brought to retailers if they register wholesale accounts? How to place different information for the not logged in users, retailers or wholesalers separately on CMS pages and static blocks in Magento 2?
The CMS Display Rules extension helps to manage the visibility of pages and blocks for certain customer groups within a particular period of time. Need to ask customers to log in to offer some promotions? The article includes some guidelines about how to make static blocks visible during a certain period of time or how to create a chain of CMS pages dependent on the various conditions.
Magento 2 Extensions
Written by ITORIS Team, 2017-09-21

Being a wholesaler means to purchase products usually through discounts based on volume buying. Retail customers can’t get some wholesale privileges such as discounts or availability of certain products. Imagine that your Magento 2 store is required to limit access to a particular store view, for example, Wholesale. The Store Login Access extension is an effective tool allowing to restrict regular customers from buying at this particular store.
Do you want to hide the whole store leaving the registration form available only? Want to store customers’ emails to expand the newsletter database next month? Or need to improve the registration process for wholesalers by collecting necessary information? The Store Login Access extension for Magento 2 helps to manage your store access permission by getting control over the login and registration forms. The Registration Fields Manager plugin for Magento 2 also improves customer profiles by adding more custom fields to the registration form.
Magento 2 Extensions
Written by ITORIS Team, 2017-09-20

How to manage the registration process? How to approve wholesale accounts manually? How can admin verify the entered information before allowing customers to log in your store? It can be hard to carry out the mentioned demands using the Magento’s out of the box functionality only.
Pending Registration is a Magento 2 module responsible for validating customer registrations manually and verifying necessary users' data. After the registration process is finished you are able to request additional information about your clients by contacting them directly by email. The admin can check the reliability and relevance of entered data before allowing customers to log in and make purchases in your store.
Magento 2 Extensions
Written by ITORIS Team, 2017-08-25

Managing and updating hundreds and thousands of products with custom options may turn into a nightmare, especially when you have to edit a bunch of options within a short period of time. Creating options templates and applying them to a number of products will help to solve the issue. The Dynamic Products Options extension saves your time and helps to optimize the process of updating custom options.
The extension expands the functionality of creating and applying options templates to multiple products in bulk. It improves and simplifies the process of updating products by allowing to make changes in one options template only and associate it to multiple products.
Magento 2 Extensions
Written by ITORIS Team, 2017-08-08

Let's imagine you need to have different products for wholesalers and retailers, or hide some products for retailers only. Or you want to add additional call-to-action before customers can view product details. Magento offers you some options to hide products or categories by disabling or putting them out of stock.
The Catalog Permissions extension improves this Magento 2 functionality and helps to hide categories and products separately, globally, or per store view. The 4 most popular use cases are highlighted below.
Magento 2 Extensions
Written by ITORIS Team, 2017-07-31

The Magento market offers a plenty of incentive programs motivating customers to contact you and perform such actions like registration, call for prices, participating in promotions, and etc. Controlling product price visibility can create additional incentives for potential consumers to take a step closer to the purchases.
The “Hide Price” extension for Magento 2 provides the functionality allowing to set various price visibility modes within your website or a store, per category or per product. Wondering how to hide prices for “Wholesalers” only during the Christmas sales? Want to make a particular category of products not available to buy? Or need to hide button "Add to Cart" replacing with message "Call for Price" for the not logged in users? The following 4 ways will help you to reach all these issues.
Magento 2 Extensions
Written by ITORIS Team, 2017-07-26

Providing customer service based on trust creates an opportunity for maintaining long-term relationships with your clients. How can you collaborate with customers allowing to make their voices heard? Creating custom forms is one of the key aspect to stay in touch with your potential consumers.
Add contact and feedback forms that make you stay aware of issues users can face, create surveys to make sure you are offering the right products and services, run an online newsletter form to keep you clients coming back. The Professional Form Builder for Magento 2 handles with various types of forms customizing them in your own way.
Written by ITORIS Team, 2017-07-18
The best Magento 2 SmartFormer Gold Form Builder is a powerful and convenient tool for creating professional forms developed for any level of users. This video tutorial gives you a brief overview of how to create a simple contact form within the SFG editor, bind the ready form to the Database, edit email templates and manage the submitted information both in Backend and Frontend.
Written by ITORIS Team, 2017-05-25
This video tutorial will give you a clear idea about the main Catalog Permissions' features. You will know about how to hide a certain category for retailers only, hide the product without switching to the "Out of Stock" status. You are moving to a new website and want to redirect all customers? Or want to offer the Not Logged in users to take a look at the current promotions? Check out how to do this in the video.
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